Egg & spinach galettes

Savoury crèpes are simply the best! These galettes are great for either breakfast or lunch – we’ve served them with bacon and avocado. It's perfectly possible to make delicious savoury pancakes without the gluten!

4 gluten-free breakfast recipes

We’ve teamed up with Pink Lady to bring you four of our favourite apply breakfasts that’ll start your day off right!  Some of these recipes contain oats, which cause reactions for some coeliacs Fuelling Pink Lady® breakfast smoothie Easy peasy and super healthy, this breakfast smoothie will energise you for the day ahead! Pink Lady® […]

Coeliac Disease : The myths and facts you need to know

With so much conflicting information and advice available about gluten, coeliac disease and gluten intolerance, we have enlisted the help of gastroenterologist professor David Sanders and Schär dietitian Melissa Wilson to help readers differentiate between fact and fiction! Myth #1: Eating gluten every now and again won’t hurt Fact: Dietitian Melissa Wilson says: “Coeliac disease is […]

Coeliac Disease vs Gluten Intolerance

Spotting the signs of coeliac disease or gluten intolerance can be a long and arduous affair – Michelle Kickham explains the differences and what to look out for… Ah, gluten. It puts the spring in our cakes, the stretch in our dough and much to our dismay, is often found in those feel-good foods. However, […]

4 gluten-free Jack Daniels barbecue recipes

Summer is almost underway which, for us, means one thing: barbecue time! It can be notoriously difficult to find gluten-free sauces, but Jack Daniel’s has got you covered. These four recipes will inspire you to get grilling! Grilled vegetable steaks This simple veggie barbecue recipe is packed with smokey flavour Chicken wings Simple, tasty chicken […]

6 of the best gluten-free pancake recipes

Scott Harrison, founder of The Six Pack Revolution, shares his favourite pancake recipes… Orange & lemon poppy seed pancakes A zesty and sweet pancake with a fluffy texture. Perfect pancakes Our go-to gluten-free pancake recipe. Pea pancakes with a spicy mint sauce A savoury twist on traditional pancakes Wonderful waffles Simple but gloriously tasty gluten-free […]

Coeliac testing for kids

When her daughter started to show signs of feeling unwell, Claire Latham was surprised by the doctor’s suggestion to undertake coeliac testing, as her daughter hadn’t eaten gluten for several years. My daughter was quite young when we first realised that she was allergic to gluten, but she refused to take a blood test as […]

Blueberry scones recipe

Scones are perhaps the world’s most perfect tea-time treat – add a dollop of jam and cream and you’re in heaven. This blueberry-based recipe by Julia Shannahan is both gluten-free and vegan and bound to please a crowd! These gluten-free and vegan scones are allergy-friendly and oh-so-delicious!

Sicilian pizza recipe

Ah, pizza. Perhaps the food we as gluten-avoiders miss the most. Thankfully, with this tasty recipe, you can make the perfect pizza base in the comfort of your own home. Swap out the toppings to create other classics if you prefer, but this Sicilian vegetable version is delicious!   This pizza recipe is so versatile […]