Indulge in delicious baked treats with issue 2 of Vegan Food & Living…
The wait is over… issue 2 of Vegan Food & Living goes on sale today! So many of you got in touch after issue 1 to let us know what you’d like to see even more of in the future that we’ve taken all your comments on board to make issue 2 even better, so as well as 75 mouthwatering vegan recipes, you’ll also have even more features to read, competitions, vegan food news and much more.
Issue 2 includes 75 easy to make recipes covering everything from indulgent bakes like the amazing brownies on our cover, to tempting raw desserts, breakfast treats, easy midweek suppers and weekend dishes to share with friends.
We also discover which good fats you should be eating more of, discover the miracle egg replacer aquafaba, reveal the secret to perfectly cooked tofu, and show you how to get your essential supply of vitamin B12. Plus you can uncover the benefits behind superfood seeds, nuts and pulses, we chat to poet, lyricist and self-proclaimed trouble maker Benjamin Zephaniah, and we take a culinary tour of Rome, with a chance to win a two-night stay in Rome.
Pick up your copy of Vegan Food & Living from selected Sainsbury’s, Waitrose and Tesco supermarkets, as well as WHSmith, Hobbycraft and independent newsagents or order online from us here.
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